
Welcome to Egg and Death Journal. The name comes from the novel The Egg and I about a couple who moved to the Olympic Peninsula and started a chicken farm. Operating with little capital and few resources, the author used a single ledger to keep records of both egg production and chicken attrition. What does that have to do with this blog? Not a whole lot. They're both journals I suppose.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"And then the magician disappeared…"

Why You Won't Find Me on a Cruise Ship

"And then the magician disappeared," Laurie Willits said, saying the magician left the stage and panicked audience members fled for their cabins as well.  Friday, the 13th of January, 2012.


  1. You crack me up! But, I'm with you - I'm in no hurry to take a cruise anytime soon.

  2. And I'm not about to change my mind with their track record of putting idiots in charge of passenger safety. Frankly, in the relatively shallow water that close to shore there was no reason to panic. But with the failure of someone to point that out to that many people in the dark, I probably would have panicked too.
