
Welcome to Egg and Death Journal. The name comes from the novel The Egg and I about a couple who moved to the Olympic Peninsula and started a chicken farm. Operating with little capital and few resources, the author used a single ledger to keep records of both egg production and chicken attrition. What does that have to do with this blog? Not a whole lot. They're both journals I suppose.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hmmm … I see I have a 'follower'.  Oh, bother.  Now I will have to pay more attention to what I'm doing on here.  As all anthropologists know, there's nothing that will change behavior faster than someone observing it.

This blog was begun simply as a web site from which to post images onto other web sites.  For some reason you cannot simply upload any old image into a blog but must transfer it from another web location.  How Kafkaesque.

Anyway, the blog is a work in progress and, with the help of a new camera in the works, may turn into something more than what it is someday.  Or not.

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